Visiting Fellow Urges Students to Speak Out About Climate Change

Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow Dr. Robert K. Musil delivered a lecture entitled “Last Chance for the Environment? Why Scientists and Citizens Must Act” on March, 19, 2018 in the Fury Lecture Hall.

Environmental leader and author Dr. Robert K. Musil, head of the Rachel Carson Council and former CEO of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Physicians for Social Responsibility, urged students to speak out about climate change during a March 19, 2018 speech in the Fury Lecture Hall.

During his lecture entitled, “Last Chance for the Environment? Why Scientists and Citizens Must Act,” Dr. Musil said the science behind climate change is undeniable and the students should speak up, march, lobby, and finally, un-elect those who will not pay attention.

”Unless you all make it part of what you do – when you wake up, when you go to bed, and in 2018 – things aren’t going to change in your lifetime, and they will get very bad,” he said.  “There will be more Superstorm Sandys.  There will be more forest fires.  There will be more destruction of coastal lands. It will be bad.”

Dr. Musil is visiting Dominican College for several days and speaking with a variety of classes as part of the Council of Independent Colleges Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellows Program. This program brings prominent artists, diplomats, journalists, business leaders, and other nonacademic professionals to campuses across the United States for substantive dialogue with students and faculty members.