Clubs and Organizations

All student organizations of Dominican University are student-run, student-started, open to all students, and operate under the support of the Student Government Association. Each club has an advisor with the general responsibility of serving as a resource person. Activities and student functions are approved through the Office of Student Engagement.

Please contact Student Engagement with any questions!

The chartered clubs and organizations on campus are:

Note: List is subject to change


CAB – Charger Activities Board

CAB is a student-run organization that plans a broad range of events and programs to educate and entertain the entire campus community. This organization gives students an opportunity to get involved, be creative, organize and plan events, develop leadership skills and become known on campus. We strive to unify the campus, instill a sense of school pride, and inspire students to become an active part of their community and make the most of their college experience. Click here for more information

SGA – Student Government Association

The Student Government Association is the official representation of the student body. Student Government’s objectives are: 1. to act as the official representative of Dominican University NY students in all matters that relate to them as DU students in particular and college students in general; 2. to strive for mutual cooperation and understanding among students, faculty and administrators; 3. to approve charters and budgets submitted by clubs and organizations, provided these charters comply with the guidelines stated in the Student Government Constitution; 4. to help plan a cultural and social calendar that will meet the varied needs and desires of the campus community. Click here for more information

Undergraduate Clubs

Anime & Gaming Club

The mission of the Anime & Gaming Club is to give the Dominican University community the best representation to provide them with the information about geek culture. We provide them with a dedication to the highest quality of member satisfaction delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, fun, individual pride, and community spirit.

Aquin Players – Drama Society

The purpose of the Aquin Players Drama Society of Dominican University is to enrich and promote the performing arts within higher education. As a club we strive to pursue greatness within each and every one of our members whether they are performing on stage or behind the curtains. Aquin is a family which puts on the yearly Spring Musical. Every year, our productions reach a new and heightened level of talent. Overall, our purpose is to not only put on an amazing show but to also promote a love for the arts as well as promoting self-confidence, self-respect, and a sense of unity among our Dominican University Community.


The Booklings provides an intimate setting for readers and writers to gather. It is a free and open-minded space for students to share their thoughts on books they have read as well as a place to share and express their creative writing ideas and works. Our goal is to help the Dominican University family see English as more than a subject taught in the classroom.

BSU (Black Student Union)

Our mission is to create a safe space for students of color where they can express themselves verbally, mentally, promote events dedicated to African diaspora. We welcome all genders, nationalities and ethnic groups.

Campus Ministry

This organization is involved with outreach and community service programs, retreats, spiritual and prayer experiences and memorial services around campus. They also help plan the Interfaith Services held before Commencement, the Commencement Mass, and the annual Blood Drives.

Caribbean Dance Crew

The Caribbean Dance Crew is a student led dance team. Through unification, we develop a strong foundation and demonstrate persistence and dedication. We adhere to the diversity of the community and provide education behind the various cultures which we represent and the origins of where the dances derive. Through our performances we help build our Charger spirit at every event where we are present. We focus on creating a unique and challenging environment that brings both experienced and new dancers together.

Chargers for a Cure

Cancer affects many of our students, whether firsthand or through a loved one. Our mission is to support everyone touched by cancer, directly or indirectly, as a united community. We aim to raise awareness and funds year-round, actively participate in and help lead Relay for Life, and contribute to finding a cure.

Debating Society

The Dominican University Debating Society is a co-curricular student organization dedicated to the advancement of reasoned discourse in public life as well as academic excellence on campus. By providing a positive, supportive, yet challenging environment, the Debating Society enables student members to hone their critical thinking, effective communication, leadership, and interpersonal skills, which facilitates their personal growth, prepares them for future career success, and provides enrichment to their overall college experience.

DUNY Earth Allies

DUNY Earth Allies is committed to promoting environmental sustainability and enhancing the Dominican University community through active engagement, education, and initiatives that create a healthier, more beautiful campus for everyone.

Elite Music

Elite Music is a club created to provide a chill and fun environment for everyone, especially for students that love music, like to socialize, and bond with others. Music allows people to vibe and connect with each other, so this club is a perfect place to relax and form new friendships! We have Pizza Nights, Karaoke Nights, Fun Game Nights, Movie Nights and even Secret Santa, exclusive for our members!

Entrepreneurship Club

The mission of this club is to help students build connections and turn their dreams into reality through the power of business. It will give students the opportunity to learn how to properly market themselves along with any product or service.

History Club

The History Club is open to students from all disciplines and backgrounds, providing them with the opportunity to experience the richness of historical discourse in its many manifestations. Its programming includes field trips, movie events, and community involvement. Through participation in club activities, students can advance educational, career development, and networking opportunities while also enriching the campus experience for the entire Dominican University community.

International Students’ Association (ISA)

“Where differences become culture.” The main mission of the International Students’ Association is to share different cultures and backgrounds with the Dominican University community with a goal to expand knowledge and sensibility over different realities of life. In addition, the club expects to teach and guide its international students with important information about CPT/OPT, two similar applications that make them able to work/intern at an American organization while having a student visa (F-1).

Rotaract Club

Rotaract’s mission is to ensure everyone feels like a part of something. We work together locally & internationally. Club relies on members & committees to achieve our goals. “Mission of Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill & peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, alleviation of poverty.”

SNADU - Student Nursing Association of DU

The purpose of the Student Nurses’ Association of Dominican University (SNADU) is to create awareness of the nursing studies in all aspects and unite all nursing students of all level and programs of the nursing major at Dominican University. We provide guidance and support to all nursing peers assuming the nursing major. Our mission is to also support charitable causes and events as future registered nurses.

Social Sciences Club

The Social Science Club is a student club whose mission shall be to encourage, promote, and build a greater understanding of social science throughout the student body, university, and community.

Social Work Club

The SW Club comes together to plan events that involves members with the larger regional, national and global community around topics that explore social problems. They also plan a Social Work Community Day and attend workshops. Most members are Social Work majors, but   the club is open to everyone: All majors are welcome.

SOL - Student Organization of Latinos

SOL’s mission is to promote awareness, appreciation, and understanding of the people and diverse cultural productions of the Spanish-speaking world. This club is set up to provide exposure to Hispanic culture, promote cultural diversity among its members, and create awareness or sensitivity to cultural differences in both a university setting and in the Latin community.

Graduate Clubs

SOTA - Student Occupational Therapy Association

The mission of SOTA is to elicit a collaborative working environment where occupational therapy students and faculty come together to develop new ideas and methods, which will contribute to enhancing awareness of the profession at the local, state, and national level.  Members will develop advocacy events to educate the community about the impact of occupational mental health, life roles, and daily living.

SPTA - Student Physical Therapy Association

The mission of the SPTA is to provide the student body the opportunity to create activities that will facilitate student interaction, professional development, and involvement in community service.