The Office of Mission and Ministry upholds Dominican University’s Catholic mission, rooted in the legacy of Saint Dominic, founder of the Order of Preachers.

Our office infuses Catholic values, faith, and intellectual heritage into campus life. Through developing servant leaders, we embody the Dominican charism of service, study, community, and prayer, as outlined below.

The Four Pillars of Dominican Life

As a Catholic and Dominican University, we are founded upon the four pillars of Dominican life: prayer, study, community and service. As part of the Dominican University community, you are called to engage in these pillars.


Prayer and reflection invite us to grow in faith or in our wisdom traditions. The Chapel in Rosary Hall and the Fr. Ron Stanley Meditation Garden near Forkel Hall are two places on campus, among others, where you can engage in prayer and reflection. All are invited to engage in campus ministry activities, regardless of faith background.


The heart of academic life is study. The Sullivan Library, along with our diverse curriculum, provides opportunities for deep learning and exploration.


Living, working, studying, serving and praying in community helps us to grow in knowledge of, and compassion for each other and for the gift of diversity.


Our learning and faith compel us to be of service in the world. Through initiatives like the Sr. Catherine Howard Food Pantry, Midnight Runs, Alternative Spring Break, and El Salvador Trips, we live out this call to service.