The Communications minor provides a broad-based, academic experience and supports other programs at the University.

Communications courses help students to:

  • Become grounded in the liberal arts — developing your  ability to speak, think, and write clearly and concisely, and to express themselves critically and creatively in discussions.
  • Become grounded in the “marketplace of free ideas” — the faculty members teaching these courses encourage the freedom of inquiry and expression of all students and will help them develop their full potential.

The minor in Communications meets three main goals:

  1. Gives students employable skills and knowledge
  2. Gives the community, which we serve, graduates who can contribute to the region’s productivity and quality of life
  3. Enhances the current academic programs at Dominican by developing life-long communication skills.

Additionally, because we live in the Information Age, the minor addresses the growing role the media plays in our culture. In today’s wired society, communication goes beyond thinking well and speaking well; it includes electronic information management. Students pursuing a minor in Communications are also prepared to manage the interface between information and people.

Summary of Requirements for the Minor

The Communications minor consists of 18 credits and includes a choice of a wide variety of courses as you tailor your studies toward your specific educational and career goals. Regardless of your academic major, the Communications Minor provides you with a broad-based academic experience that will support your program while allowing you the scheduling flexibility to specialize in your area of choice.

In addition to two required Core courses, two courses in Media, and two courses in Organizational Communication, the Minor offers two elective courses that, in keeping with the broad relevance of the field, will enhance other academic disciplines such as:

  • Business
  • Criminal Justice
  • English
  • Gender Studies
  • Fine Arts
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Psychology

Many of these disciplines already have cross-listed courses.

For more information