The fifty-seven credit Adolescence/Students with Disabilities Education Program leads to eligibility for dual certification in grades 7 through 12 in New York State. Many Dominican dually certified graduates also seek and secure teaching positions in other states. In the past two years, 100% of all certified teacher education graduates who actively sought positions have secured employment in teaching. All programs in Teacher Education are accredited by the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (T.E.A.C.) and adhere to the quality principles of this certification body.
Required Classes:
Course | Credits |
Sophomore Year-Fall Semester | |
PS 113 Developmental Psychology 1 | 3 |
ED 222 (PS 222) Educational Psychology | 3 |
ED 223V School and Society | 3 |
Sophomore Year-Spring Semester | |
5 Adolescence Psychology | 3 |
SE 221 (PS 221) Psychology of the Exceptional Individual | 3 |
ED 225 (CI 225) Technology in the Classroom | 3 |
Junior Year-Fall Semester | |
ED 330 Introduction to Teaching Methods | 3 |
SE 330 Psychology of the Academically/Behaviorally Challenged (Fall only) | 3 |
SE 336 American Sign Language | 3 |
Junior Year-Spring Semester | |
ED 331 Foundations of Literacy | 3 |
EN 454 Literature for Children and Adolescents (Spring only) | 3 |
SE 441 Psychoeducational Diagnosis and Assessment (Spring only) | 3 |
Senior Year-Fall Semester | |
ED 332 Strategies for Literacy Development | 3 |
SE 465 Instructional Strategies and Materials for the Exceptional Learner | 3 |
Choose one of the following methods courses: | |
ED 465 Teaching English (Adolescence Education) | 3 |
ED 466 Teaching Math (Adolescence Education) | 3 |
ED 467 Teaching Social Studies (Adolescence Education) | 3 |
ED 468 Teaching Biology (Adolescence Education) | 3 |
Senior Year-Spring Semester | |
ED 473 Student Teaching (Adolescence) | 5 |
SE 472 Student Teaching (Students with Disabilities) | 5 |
ED 472B Student Teaching Seminar (Adolescence/SWD) | 2 |
Total Credits | 57 |
The capstone experience is a sixteen week student teaching placement, eight weeks in a middle school level and eight weeks in a high school level. One of the two experiences is in a special education environment—either self contained or inclusive. Personal requests for student teaching placement may be presented when application for student teaching is made the semester before proposed ED 473/SE 472 is to be taken; however, final selection of placement sites remains with the Division.
Program Coordinator

Mike Kelly, Ph.D.
Director of the Graduate Programs in Education and Director of the programs in Special Education and Adolescence Education
Office: (845) 848-4090