Professor Bencivenga earned an M.A. in history at New York University and a B.A. in social studies and secondary education at Rutgers University. His fields of concentration include curriculum and instruction, staff development, and leadership. He has published in several journals including the National Association of Secondary School Principals Bulletin, the Middle School Journal, and the English Journal on the topics of instructional leadership and social/emotional intelligence. Professor Bencivenga is a Faculty Associate, national presenter, and consultant for the George Lucas Educational Foundation and a consultant for ISCALS(Improving School Climate for Academic and Life Success) at Rutgers University. Professor Bencivenga’s work has focused on the relationship among social/emotional intelligence, the learning environment and academic achievement. He has presented at the Harvard University Conference on Media Literacy, the Education and Public Outreach Conference of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Education Writers’ Association Annual Conference in Washington, DC, the Building the Brainware Conference on Social/Emotional Learning and Academic Excellence at Rutgers University, and at the Columbia University Media Education Institute. He teaches and advises in the Freshman Year Program and is a member of the Honors Committee. Professor Bencivenga teaches Educational Psychology, School and Society, Introduction to Teaching Methods, and Methods in Adolescence Education. He also conducts field observations of student teachers.