The Social Work Club is open to ALL students, whether you’re a social work major or not.
Ask yourself:
- Are you concerned about the many problems facing people today, from suicide and addictions to poverty or hunger?
- Are you interested in the global conditions that place children and adults in jeopardy- war, malnutrition, human trafficking, prison, etc.?
- Are you hoping to make a difference in the world you live in and make an impact on the future?
Consider joining the Social Work Club. Participate in Legislative days in Albany, voter drives on campus, poverty simulation experiences, and more.
Established in 1982 and open to all students registered at the University, the Social Work Club is an extracurricular dimension of the Social Work Program whose aim is to enrich members’ perspectives on central social issues and to bring a heightened awareness of those issues to the larger student body. The Club members and their elected officers take the initiative in designing programs of outside speakers, fundraisers and awareness campaigns, as well as discussion groups. Each year during Social Work Month (March), Community Day features a Social Work professional addressing the program’s theme topic, adding outside perspective to classroom studies. In addition, members have the opportunity to attend professional social work conferences. Social Work Club members sponsor our program’s educational series “Knowledge is Empowerment” workshops designed to educate students about life after Dominican.
Joining the Social Work Club provides an opportunity for students to enjoy their common interests and develop organizational and leadership skills while fostering rewarding personal relationships.
Come by room 106 in Casey Hall (Social Work Office) and leave your name and contact information, or contact Dr. Hyppolite, Club Moderator, and Samantha Turner, Social Work Club President,